Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What A Day...Part 2!

Okay, so I'm using the same title for this entry as yesterday because, fits! Why?

Here goes...

So, I decided that I wanted to make some Whoppie Pies today...YUMMY! Unfortunately, I needed more flour, sugar, vanilla, and crisco to make this happen. So...I decide to brave the rain (NOT FUN) and take the boys to the grocery store. Alexander was really excited to go and then told me that he wanted to walk. Since it was raining pretty hard, I didn't take the time to "wear" Nik, so I carried him and let Alex walk...BIG MISTAKE! Never again will I do that in the grocery store. I became "that Mom". You know, the kind of Mom I said I would never be...the one yelling at her kid in the middle of the store, threatening to put him in time out or send him straight to his room when they got home. Why would I ever need to do that with my kid (clue the laughter for those of you who know me really well)?

Okay, I needed to get some baby food, and while I had my back turned, Alex decided that he wanted two boxes of Nilla, I had to buy them since he damaged BOTH boxes! Then, as I'm paying, he grabs a thing of gum and tears the wrapping #3 for a very, very lucky little boy.

Alexander and his "loot" from today...

Needless to say, I was a little frazzled when I got home, so I decided to put on a t.v. show for Alex, give him a few cookies (bad, I know) and get online for a few minutes. So, I hear him getting "a few more" cookies out of the bag, and thought,'s almost lunch time, so that can be his dessert. Knowing my child, I should have checked on him, so...this one is TOTALLY my fault, I'll admit it...

Enjoying some of his cookies...and no...I didn't allow him to eat all of this.

After all that, I decided that I wanted some of my cookies, so I started to make my Whoppie Pies...

The Ingredients

The Finished Product

My Plate....

Here's to hoping that I was able to brighten your day in some way! I'm off to go eat some yummy cookies before I tackle the mound of laundry waiting to be folded. :)

God Bless!


  1. my o my! now that is a mess ;). sometimes you just have to smile and laugh!

  2. I am TOTALLY that mom! Every night I include in my prayers to be a calmer mom and each morning I pray that today will be the day that I do not raise my voice. It is a process I have decided! But I am getting there.

    Love the stories about the boys. The picture of Alex surrounded by cookies had me giggling. Hope that life settles down but a (very little) part of me is enjoying the chaos that is motherhood!

    Christie M.

  3. Bekah-that pic of him is absolutely priceless!!

