Monday, June 21, 2010

Time Is Flying...

Okay, so, I really didn't think it would be too difficult for me to keep up with the blog, but, lol...time has FLOWN by since I was last on here. So, let's see...what happened...
My sweet niece, Chloe turned 1 on June 11th!

Then, we took Alexander to a train museum and he had a blast! He even got to ride with Thomas and blow a real train whistle (okay, Daddy did that one because it scared Alexander a little)!

Daddy and Alexander looking at a train table.

"Momma...I don't want to take a picture!" -Alex

After our ride with Thomas! :)

Getting ready to blow the train whistle...

After almost two months of my friend's daughter, Olivia, being born, I was finally able to make it up to see her and big sister, Madi! Go figure I didn't get any front pictures of Olivia! Next time, I will. :)

Nikolas, Madi, and Olivia (Watch that hand Nikolas!)

Madi and Alex doing some water painting...

Just hanging out...

Then, just recently, my brother and his wife had a baby girl, Olivia Constance! She is so stinkin' cute and TINY! When I visited them in the hospital, I didn't know what to do with such a tiny baby. She was 5lb. 4oz. and 18inches long! Mom, Dad, and baby are doing great. :)

I'm one proud Aunt! :)

Lindsay, Ben, and Olivia!

Father's Day (almost caught up! Whew!) was a lot of fun! We took the boys to church and got Nik dedicated during the first service! It was so special to be able to have some of my family there this time since none of them were able to make it to Alexander's dedication back in Texas (Thankfully Rosa, Chuck's Mom, was able to make it to Alex's dedication). After the dedication, we took Chuck out to eat and then home for a fun and relaxing rest of the day. Happy Father's Day to Chuck, my Dad, brothers, and all the other dads out there!

Up on stage at church...

Trish, Dad, Nik, Me, Alex, and Chuck

Steve, Mom, Nik, Me, Alex, and Chuck

Alex and Mom acting silly at lunch...

Family Shot! :)

Finally, today has been a pretty great day so far! Got a good work-out in, then went to story time at the library and then we went to the pool! First time this season and a first for Nikolas; we had a blast! Can't wait to take the boys back again! :)

Alex hanging out at the kiddie pool.

Getting ready to go into the big pool!

After we were all in the pool. :)

Well...I'm sure the craziness will continue, but at least I got y'all updated for now, lol!

God Bless! :)

1 comment:

  1. Bekah,
    You left a comment on my blog about a Toy Story Cake and I did not have a email to contact you. FYI, I get most of my ideas from For my cake I just made a rectangle cake and put fondant on it to look like a bed spread (stars on it with pillow). I had tons of little toy story figures I got at Target (got them free through couponing). I had fun games like put the arms on Mr. Potato Head (like pen the tell on the donkey). Do something like a cake walk but they won cookies that looked like dog bones (I had a slinging dog next to a dog bowl with them.) I also had pizza and decorated the table with Pizza Planet stuff. Rocket pinata with Buzz taped on top. Coloring pages. Greeted everyone with bandanas and sheriff stars got at oriental trading. I have some cute invitations and thank you notes that made which I can send to you if you would like. Hope this helps.
