Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What A Day!

If the title doesn't clue you in...it has definitely been an interesting day so far! It started with me getting up somewhere around 0300 and taking Nik downstairs and sleeping on the couch. I'm hoping he will get used to his "real" food soon and stop having such horrible gas pains.

After I was finally able to wake up this morning, I got the boys ready and we left to go on a tour of our local police station. Thanks again to a friend who set it all up for Alex and all of his little friends. :) I think they all had a good time...except for the fact that Alex was scared for the most of the time, poor kid.

If being scared wasn't enough for my little man, I had been putting off get some blood work done for him for months, so I decided that today would be a great day (since they've called a few times with a reminder to get it done) to take him. Thankfully, he only screamed for a few mins. and as soon as they offered a lolli-pop reward...he was all better, lol. I love that kid! :)

Since I was over that way, I decided that I wanted to stop by a natural foods store. As I was getting Nik out of his carseat, I smelled something, but thought, no...he didn't poop, I bet it's just gas (especially since he's been having some issues). So, I shut the door, lock it, and open the front door, when I realize that my hand is covered with poop! Yikes! I had to pull Alex back out of the store, have him climb in the backseat while I try to change Nik on a blanket in the front seat. I'm sure anyone watching must have been laughing because as soon as I wiped it off my hand, Nik had it on one foot and completely down the other leg. I was trying to clean us, keep Nik from rolling off the seat, and answering Alex's questions and saying...yes, there is poopy. *sigh* Of course, as fate would have it, I only had FIVE wipes left in my diaper bag! ARGH!!! I had to get creative with some water and blankets I had left in my truck and use a bunch of hand sanitizer. Oh well, at least I learned my lesson...I will definitely check how many wipes I have left before I leave the house.

Thankfully both boys are resting right now and I'm hoping that our evening will be a breeze! :)


  1. if I had a nickel for everytime I was caught unprepared... well chase's college tuition would be taken care of!

  2. lol I've had my share of forgetting diapers and/or wipes! We went to a wedding this summer and had to take Olivia...well...long story short she pooped during the service (embarassing) and when I got to the car, I had forgotten my diaper bag at home! So we had to go to Target before the reception to buy more stuff! ugh! lol :)
